Wednesday 15 April 2015

Big and Fabulous.......Making A Statement With Your Plus Size Wedding Dress.

Whether  slim or fat every woman want to look stunning on her wedding day, therefore when it comes to finding that jaw-dropping dresses a great deal of hard work and research need to be put in place to achieve such purpose. Here are some basic rules you need to put into consideration.
Buy what makes you happy.......Don't by any means allow the sales person push you into buying a wedding dress your not 100% happy with. It their duty to make you buy a dress even if it does not fit you perfectly. Don't scarifies your happiness to please the sales person. Check the next bridal...

If you got it flaunt it.........Never be afraid to emphasis on your valuable assets. You are on a big side yes!! we know; show off your best features, it wouldn't hurt - if you have a curvy body and a killer back side flaunt them, its your wedding day, you have to stand out. There are dresses on the shelf that are made for specification, all you need do is ask!!

Comfort....... For most big Nigerian ladies the issue of comfort-ability on their wedding day can not be over emphasized. it is better to wear a wedding dress that allow circulation and movement than to wear one that suffocate you, just because you see the dress as a perfect wedding dress - remember our weddings intakes a lot of moving-around, sitting and dancing with long hours of waiting.

Don't buy a wedding dress smaller than your size........ As the saying goes it is "better to prevent than to cure". You have said to your self "am going to lose some weight before my wedding day" and went ahead to order for a smaller dress than what you normally wear - this could be a bad move. Am not saying losing weight is not a good thing, but what if your plan didn't go as planned, that means you have to spend more money to get another wedding dress.

My advise is get a wedding dress of your size, then go ahead with your weight lose program. Your wedding dress can be reduced to march your new body size.
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