Thursday 1 October 2015

5 Professions Women Do - What Nigerian Men Believe About Them

The decision we make as to whom we will marry is one of the most important decision we will ever make. The first we all know is about our relationship with God. Who you marry will greatly affect your sense of fulfilment and future. That is why you are advised to make the right choice in picking the right woman. 50% of all marriages sometimes end in divorce. I have mention but a few the type of woman a man can get married to, so guys who among these women will love to get married to.

Stripper: can be very beautiful, enticing, sexy, charming, alluring, etc. and therefore very hard for a man to resist. Strippers are like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get. So marrying a stripper is at your own risked. Nigeria men believe they are promiscuous, alcoholic, hard drugs user, with party lifestyle. 

Nollywood Actress: Marrying an actress will obviously have its pros and cons. Most Nigerian men want their private life to be private. They believe when they marry a Hollywood actress they won't have any privacy. The paparazzi will always be eager to get a sneak peek in their lives, some believe that these women are loose, exposing their body on set.
Lawyer: Nigerian men believe lawyers especially the female one claim to know all, they always want to show they are well read. Some men believe if you want to be with a lawyer you must stand your ground on some issues without shifting, as they are very domineering, and love to be in control

Female weight lifter: This kind of women are believed to frequently manhandling their spouse. Nigerian men are frightened, because they may be disgraced by their weight lifter wife in public should they had a heated argument outside. In Africa men are perceived to be head of the home and feared especially when its comes to the issue of husband and wife therefore, no man wants to be seen as a weak-line.

Military woman: Nigerian men believe that when you offend a military lady she will give you the beating of your life or you will spend the night in military guard room. Also, the belief around this kind of women is that they are never at home to perform their primary duties as wife and a mother.

Feed me with your thought, i really want to know what you think.

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