Saturday 15 November 2014

How To Spot The Right Man: Top 17 Qualities to Look For in your future husband

While we may not know who exactly we are going to marry, as fully developed, young adults, we have a pretty good idea of the qualities we’re looking for in a partner.
Many a times, ladies base their choices on the man’s looks and his material acquisitions. Those are good but the big question is: does the man have the qualities that make a good husband? If the answer is no, then the marriage will not work.

When we think of young men today, we think of metrosexual, hipster, and unmanly guys who can't stand the test of time. It seems as though manly men are things of the past and now are officially gone. 
Never the less, there are fewer young men who qualify as marriage material today. Decent men still exist. Here are the Best qualities you should look for in the person you want to marry:

No woman wants to see or even hear from gossip that her husband is going out with another woman. As a result, faithfulness is one other best quality a wife desires so much in a husband. A man who is a husband always remembers his marital vows. He is a man of honor and integrity. A husband that a wife can trust, any day, any time.

Teaches you something new
Life together will be pretty boring if you can’t learn from each other. It can be a lesson as small as how to bake coconut cookies or something more substantial, like how to use chopsticks properly. For me, this means he’s well-versed in politics and will give me the Spark notes version of White House current events. Let’s also not forget there’s an inherent good feeling when you teach someone a new fact or skill.
Respects human life
Ladies, a man who values the sanctity of human life from womb to tomb is not only worth admiring, but will also make a great husband. A man who knows that human life is precious will be more open to welcoming children into the world after you get married. He will also do his best to ensure that the elderly in your family are cared for, protected, and live their life to the fullest. 

Strong moral standard
A man who abides by a moral code is definitely a keeper. He is the type of man who knows the difference between right and wrong. He always grounds his decisions in life on an understanding of a high moral ground. A man who prides himself in morality and becomes your future husband will definitely instill moral values in your children.

Makes you better
You want someone who brings out your best self. A great way tell if you and your partner should tie the knot is by honestly asking yourself, “Does this person make me better?”

Friendly Disposition.
Being friendly disposed always, is one of the best qualities in a husband. An understanding, kind and warm man is the kind of husband every woman aspires to marry. He is always positive and friendly, not only to his wife and children but also to everyone he comes in contact with. Pride is not in his dictionary.

Good relationship with his family
A man who has a close and loving relationship with his family is a man you want to be with. This type of man knows the importance of family and truly cherishes family time. He will most likely place great importance on family after he marries you and begins to raise a family with you. Also, a man who treats his mother with respect will most likely treat you with respect and is obviously worth having as a husband. 

Shares the same values
Someone who is materialistic and enjoys splurging on extravagances probably won’t last very long with someone who is down-to-earth and likes to rough it. This is why celebrities marry other celebrities*

Are you a reliable man? Are you responsible and supportive? These are those best qualities in a husband that every woman would like to experience. Can your wife count on you in all circumstances? Can you support her in the good and bad times? Can you care for her, no matter what? Can you answer in the affirmative to all these posers? Then that gem in a good husband is in you.

Compromise is the key to any successful relationship;Do I love computer games? No, but I’ll make it my mission to enjoy myself and support my man when he is playing competitive game with his friend. And I’m sure he doesn’t like being dragged to see weird indie films, but I’ll buy the popcorn and soda and toss in a Xanax because I’m nice like that.

Hard work ethic 
A man who has a hard work ethic is marriage material. He will never give up when working towards his ambitions. He will always work hard to provide your future family financial support, no matter what circumstances come his way. He will also instill this same value in your future children. A man stricken with a case of the "entitlement mentality" is not a great catch for your future anyways.  

 One other best quality in a husband is openness. And openness is engendered by an effective communication between a husband and a wife. Communication is fundamental to a good and solid marriage. Every woman wants her man to be honest and open to her at all times. A good husband always finds quality time to sit close to his wife ‘gisting’ on issues from the most trivial to the most serious. It can never be over-emphasized: good communication builds trust and strengthens relationships especially that of a husband and a wife.

Honors your femininity 
A man who recognizes your beauty, inside and out, and honors your femininity is worth keeping. He will respect you as a woman and have a better understanding of your purpose in your marriage. He will value you completely, not only for your physical appearance or features. A man who cherishes this quality in a woman will also teach his daughters to maintain their femininity and self-worth as they get older.

Love and Affection.
When you want to talk about the best qualities in a husband, love and affection for a wife cannot be over-emphasized. A good husband knows that love and affection are what make his wife give him herself, whole and entire. He appreciates and notices physical and emotional goings-on in the life of his wife. It does not matter if they just celebrated the diamond jubilee of their marriage. His care for his wife is always as fresh as though they are still courting.

A man who is faithful not only to you, but also to God, will make for a great husband. This type of man will value and uphold the vows he made to you on your wedding day. He will also value your importance in his life as his wife and the mother to his children. His faithfulness to you will also underlie the steps he takes to keep your marriage stable for your children. In addition, a God-fearing man will let God unify and strengthen your relationship, will highly prioritize your marriage, and will make sure morals form the foundation of your family.  

Knowing and applying the instrument of sexual intimacy in marriage is one of the best qualities in a husband. In most circumstances, a good man strives to make his wife happy in bed. This is as a result of the fact that he knows that a good sex beefs-up his wife’s emotional and physical attraction to him. In a nutshell, good sex is a very essential oil in the lubrication of the wheels of marriage.

Knows his purpose in life 
A man who knows his purpose in life is a man worth marrying. He will remain confident while pursuing his life's goals and what drives his soul. Because he knows his purpose, he will probably be more career-driven, despite any shortcomings he may face. Since he has this quality, he will continue to be an inspirational force in your life after you two are married.

Top picture by :quentinmcall
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